Jumat, 12 Februari 2010


Charles 3.4.1 Download
Cheat Engine 5.5
Flash Player 10
Firefox 3.5

Open Charles Proxy
On the notifications post , click
Then click BACK on your browse ( you should come back to earlier page )
Back to Charles , Find "http://apps.facebook.com" and expand it
Expand "petsociety" , for now you should see line "accept_feed_link ?" and "?Pf_ref = fg_pets_lostpet"
Select both of the line , right click and choose "Repeat Advanced"
Write 100 for Iterations and 5 for Concurrency
Back to browser , re-enter the game
You should see alot bag of coins
Now , Open CE 5.5, Process firefox.exe, Tick (Hex. Array of bytes. also scan read only memory)
Scan "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0", 1 address returned
Right click the address and select "Disassemble memory region"
Right Click the address that highlighted/selected code and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
Back to Pet Society , you should see pop -up , just click "√" sign

4 komentar:

ndre jgn lupa lu cantumin org yang udah buat ni cheat, jgn seolah2 ini buatab lu..... okeyyy

iya bnr.. contohnya credit by : petsocietynews bla bla bla

Terima kasih atas saran anda kepada blog ne, saran anda akan kami terima apapun itu
tapi sebaiknya bagi anda yang memberikan komentar / saran harap memberikan identitas seperti nama dan lain-lain atau Lebih baik lagi menggunakan ID google Account, Live jurnal, Wordpress, Type pad, AIM,dan Open ID Agar saya bisa mengetahui siapa yang memberikan saran kepada blogne.....

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