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Selamat datang di blog saya, ini lah apadanya yang dapat saya bagi kepada dunia, ya memang apadanya :).

Selamat Anda Menemukan Saya :D

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Cheat Gold
Tools needed:
* firefox
*flash 9 (Download here)
* Charles Web Proxy Debugger (download here)
*Charles firefox addon (download here)
* Java (Download Here ) ~jika Tidak Punya


  1. Open Charles
  2. Enter the game [Link]
  3. Start a mission. Preferably a mission with multiple enemies to fight.
  4. Each time you killed an enemy, you will receive some gold. In Charles, expand > and search for "(CharacterDAO.updateGold)"
  5. Right click "(CharacterDAO.updateGold)" and select 'Repeat Advanced'
  6. Iterations = 100,000 and concurrency = 5
  7. Do this for all the "CharacterDAO.updateGold" that you find in Charles.
  8. On refresh, the coins will appear.

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Windows 8 Terbongkar

Microsoft sedang kebakaran jenggot, sebab spesifikasi Windows 8, yang merupakan kelanjutan dari Windows 7, bocor dan tersebar luas di internet. Parahnya, yang membongkar sistem operasi terbaru itu, adalah karyawan Microsoft sendiri. Detail mengenai Windows 8 itu sendiri bermula dari Robert Morgan, yang menuliskannya di dalam kolom profil di situs jaringan bisnis Linkedln. Morgan yang memegang posisi Senior Research and Development menuliskan, kalau dirinya bekerja di departemen penelitian dan pengembangan dengan tingkat keamanan tinggi untuk proyek jangka panjang dan menengah.

Cerobohnya di profilnya, Morgan menuliskan sedang mengerjakan proyek Windows 8 dan berencana membuat Windows 9. Di dalam profil tersebut juga tertulis “Kernel Windows 8 kompatibel dengan arsitektur 128-bit dan Windows 9 sedang dalam perencanaan”. Demikian yang dikutip melalui PC World, Selasa (13/10/2009).

Padahal seperti diketahui, Windows 7 yang telah dirilis pada 22 Oktober 2009 kemarin, baru mendukung 32-bit dan 64-bit. Untuk dukungan 64-bit sendiri, Microsoft menggunakannya pertama kali pada Windows XP Profesional edisi X64 yang diluncurkan pada Mei 2005 silam.

Belum ada tanggapan dari Microsoft mengenai bocornya sistem operasi yang masih dirahasiakan ini. Morgan yang membocorkan Windows 8 dan Windows 9 telah menghapus tulisan tersebut di dalam profilnya, walaupun ‘jejak kejahatannya’ dapat terekam di mesin pencari Google. by

Download Theme Windows 8

Ninja Saga Level Cheat (UPDATE)

Tools needed:
Cheat Engine 5.5(Download Here)

1 Play Ninja Saga
2 Select browser as process in ce5.5 (hex, 8bytes, asrom)
3 At the "Select Character" screen, scan "3B0008C25B5E0689"
4 2 addresses found.Right click the BOTTOM address and Dissassemble the right click again "Toggle breakpoint"
5 Now in Ninja Saga, select your character and click "Play"
6 It will freeze due to the breakpoint you've set.
7 Click "Debug > Run (shortcut: f9)
8 Click "Debug > Run again.
9 At the Registries panel, you will see a red line "EAX xxxxxx"
10 Left click on it and it will ask you to insert the new address, so you paste "FF011B8A" into it(IF YOU WANT LEVEL 19 ONLY PASTE THIS "11A6C")
11 Now right click the address and click "Toggle breakpoint" again to remove the breakpoint.
12 Click "Debug > Run
13 Now go back to your Ninja Saga. It will reload and you will be level 336!

Enjoy Cheating! =p

Hack Restaurant City Ultimate Rubbish

Tools needed:
Cheat Engine 5.5(Download Here)
Flash 10(if not working try flash 9 Download here)
piaip-rchackDOWNLOAD HERE!
mouse recorder(for repeating redecorate saving) download here!

  1. Lock the door of your RC. Remember to seal up the outdoor garden space too.
  2. Use Piaps rc hack for regeneration of stamina. Set 1 employee to be a janitor
  3. In ce5.5, select browser as process, tick hex, ASROM, value type(8bytes)
  4. Scan "0005000000003FA9" 1 address returned. Copy that address.
  5. Click 'Add address manually, type (4bytes), click 'Pointer'
  6. Paste the address from step 4 into 'Address of pointer' and add '-72' at the end. (example xxxxxx-72)
  7. Type 68 in Offest Hex. Click ok.
  8. Click 'Add address manually, type (4bytes), click 'Pointer'
  9. Paste the address from step 4 into 'Address of pointer' and add '-72' at the end. (example xxxxxx-72)
  10. Type 78 in Offest Hex. Click ok.
  11. New scan "000001449189D32B". 1 address returned. Disassemble this memory region
  12. Change 'sub edx,ebx' to 'sub edx,edx'
  13. Click 1 rubbish in RC
  14. New scan "04B878488901C183" 1 address returned. Disassemble this memory region
  15. Change 'add ecx,01' to 'add ecx,00'
  16. New scan "00011C838924408B". 2 addresses returned. Disassemble the 2nd address
  17. Right click the line mov [ebx+0000011c],eax and click 'Replace code that does nothing'
  18. Double click second line mov [ebx+00000114],000007d0 change '000007d0' to '00000000'
  19. New scan "E44589D47589C085". 1 address returned. Disassemble address
  20. You will see line 'je xxxxxxxx'
  21. Right click and click 'replace code that does nothing'
  22. Scroll down and you will see another 'je xxxxxxxx'. Right click and click replace code that does nothing
  23. On CE change the value of the two address that you had added in manually in Steps 5-10 to '30'
  24. Click 'Freeze' for both.
  25. Rubbish will be cleared fast and coins and being added.
  26. Now, to keep saving the game, click Decorate in your restaurant. Shift some tables/chairs and click on the green tick. The game will save. Keep repeating this step to constantly save your game. You will also get 60coins each save. Use a mouserecorder, duhs.
  27. Note: The janitor must clean 3 rubbish or more to avoid disconnection after the repeated redecorate and save. No worries though as the janitor can clear 3 rubbish in less than 1 sec so you dont have to wait long before you redecorate and save.Or you can just do step 1 to 6 for 30 per save mode.

Video Tutorial :

Hack Restaurant City To Level 65!!!

Tools needed:
Firefox/IE (Internet Explorer)
Cheat Engine 5.5(Download Here)
Flash 10(if not working try flash 9 Download here)
RC Hack(not necessary but for faster leveling)(Download Here)

1. Open Restaurant City. Wait for the waiter to bill at least one customer.
2. In Cheat Engine, tick hex, 8byes, asrom(Also Scan Read onlymemory) then put this to value "FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2" then click First scan.
3. If 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
4. Right click and assemble the next line 'mov eax,FFFFFFFF' to 'mov eax,004C4B40 '
5. Now watch as your exp gains 1,000,000 per dish. Level up to 65 fast in less than a minute! Happy Cheating =)

Click Save button after you reached 5million EXP it's enough to level up to 65.


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