Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Cheat Gold
Tools needed:
* firefox
*flash 9 (Download here)
* Charles Web Proxy Debugger (download here)
*Charles firefox addon (download here)
* Java (Download Here ) ~jika Tidak Punya


  1. Open Charles
  2. Enter the game [Link]
  3. Start a mission. Preferably a mission with multiple enemies to fight.
  4. Each time you killed an enemy, you will receive some gold. In Charles, expand > and search for "(CharacterDAO.updateGold)"
  5. Right click "(CharacterDAO.updateGold)" and select 'Repeat Advanced'
  6. Iterations = 100,000 and concurrency = 5
  7. Do this for all the "CharacterDAO.updateGold" that you find in Charles.
  8. On refresh, the coins will appear.

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